Resolution Denver NYE Party Cancelled for 2023

Resolution Denver, one of Denver’s biggest New Year’s Eve parties, has been canceled for 2023. The event, which has been held annually for the past 13 years, was known for its multiple DJs, open bar, and midnight champagne toast. In a brief message on their website, the organizers of Resolution Denver stated, “NO EVENT THIS […]

Decadence NYE Denver

10 New Year’s Eve Traditions from Around the World

New Year’s Eve is a time for celebration around the world. From fireworks and parties to delicious food and unique traditions, there are many ways to ring in the new year. Here are 10 New Year’s Eve traditions from around the world: These are just a few of the many New Year’s Eve traditions from […]

Denver NYE Photo Scavenger Hunt 2023

New Year’s Eve is the perfect time for a photo scavenger hunt! Whether you’re celebrating with family or friends, a scavenger hunt can add a fun and festive element to the party. Create a list of items for guests to find and take photos of, such as a clock striking midnight, a group selfie, or a party hat on a stranger’s head. You can also include more creative challenges like finding a New Year’s resolution written on a piece of paper or capturing a candid moment of someone dancing. Set a time limit for the hunt and offer prizes for the team with the most photos or the most creative photos. With everyone snapping pictures throughout the night, this scavenger hunt will be a memorable and entertaining addition to your New Year’s Eve celebrations.

5 Course Cannabis Dinner

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Boxing Training in The Park

Aenean tincidunt dictum volutpat. Suspendisse potenti. Duis sit amet venenatis turpis, a finibus metus. Maecenas eu ex aliquam, sollicitudin sem non, pulvinar sem. Donec in magna vel ex ult ricies lobortis. Duis euismod aliquet ipsum eu imperdiet.

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